Rotary ... where people help people and achieve extraordinary things. For over one hundred and fourteen years, motivated people around the world have come together as Rotarian's to unite the power of one with the power of many to bring about exceptional change in the world. Made up of men and women across all vocations and cultures, Rotary is a non-political, non-religious global organisation focused on improving the well being of local and international communities and bringing about world peace and understanding. To be a Rotarian is simply to have a desire to do something to help others. To be a Rotarian is to develop your skills, broaden your networks, grow your understanding and knowledge, enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded people and build life-long friendships. With 27,703 Rotarians in 1082 clubs in Australia and 1,22,117 Rotarians in 36,005 clubs overall around the world, that's a powerful lot of people making a difference. |
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