The Foundation Committee of the Rotary Club of Moe has recently undertaken a mini-fundraising project to sell bags of purple crocus bulbs to support End Polio Now, an important global initiative to eradicate polio. The purple bulbs represent the purple dye used to mark the little finger of children who have been vaccinated in endemic countries. Millions of children across the world now know that a freshly painted purple pinkie means freedom from Polio.
As this was the first time the Committee had undertaken this project, we decided to be relatively conservative in our expectations. As a result, we purchased 500 bulbs, which were then sold in packs of 5 for $5 per pack. With the impact of Covid-19 social distancing measures coming into force during the roll-out of this project, arrangements were made to enable on-line payments and subsequent delivery of orders in line with these restrictions.
We are very pleased that all 500 bulbs have now been sold, which has given us a total income of $500. The net proceeds from the project amount to $195.50 which will be donated to Polio Plus.
Bulbs were purchased by Rotarians and friends/family of Rotarians and we are very pleased with the support received which made this project a success. We look forward to hearing about and seeing little patches of purple crocus in many gardens when the bulbs bloom in Spring.