The Rotary Club of Moe International and Foundation Committee recently became aware of the significant impacts that Covid 19 was having on our friends in the village of Banyuning in Bali where our Adopt a School project is based. The situation has been particularly difficult for the elderly in the village who rely on support from family members to buy food and other essential items. Unfortunately, the income of many families in Banyuning has been severely curtailed due to the loss of jobs, resulting in difficulties for them in providing this support.
As a result, the Board accepted the Committee’s recommendation to donate $500 to the Banyuning village to purchase basic food items to help them through this current situation. This donation has also been supplemented by donations from individual Rotarians to assist with the purchase of food and other items, including face masks.
These donations have been facilitated through Rotarian Michael Koch in conjunction with our Banyuning village contact, Dodi who has organised the food purchases of rice, eggs and cooking oil.
While, we are all going through the trials and tribulations of the Covid 19 lockdowns here, it is sometimes difficult for us to fully appreciate the difficulties experienced by many others who live in places where they do not have the social support structures and safety nets in place that we have here in Australia.
If any other Club members would like to make a donation, the best way would be via a bank transfer into the Club’s Project Account and reference the transaction “Bali Support” with your initials. If you need account number details, please contact Treasurer Diane.