JOHN FLYNN Scholarship Scheme
Remarkable Places - Extraordinary people

The Rotary Club of Moe is serving its community by hosting John Flynn Scholars. Scholarship holders spend at least a fortnight in each consecutive years in the same rural setting. The community looks forward to their visits.

The John Flynn Scholar scheme promotes the lifestyle advantages and the rewards of country living to medical students who are asked to consider spending some life in rural areas once qualified.

As a host community the Rotary Club of Moe has the responsibility of providing suitable general practitioner mentor/supervision arrangements, a safe learning and living environment, appropriate accommodation and social support. Cultural awareness training is provided if appropriate.

Host community benefits are a payment to the host community, a payment to the mentor and the opportunity to promote the rewards of country living.

The John Flynn Scholarship Scheme is one of a range of Federal Government initiatives to increase the number of doctors practising in rural areas in Australia.

It's for Students.
Form a long term relationship with a rural community. Gain a better understanding of rural medical practice Gain first hand experience of living and practicing medicine in a rural or remote community.

It's for Rural Doctors.
Teach, support and guide students in the practice of rural and remote medicine.

It's for Communities.
Introduce students to your community and make a friend for life.

To be involved
Contact the John Flynn Scholarship team at the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine on 1800 231 231 or visit their website at

The following students have availed themselves of the opportunity to participate in the John Flynn Scholarship Scheme.

Simon John Marshman
Paul Leschke
Brent O'Carrigan
Thomas Stewart
Brent Foreman
Lauren Pheobe Neilson
Chris Lynn

The Rotary Club of Moe shows how to create awareness and take action when their community face a crisis or when government programs are available to improve life for people in the country for both new arrivals or long-time residents.